
Sep 21, 2018

Live performing arts organizations have long prided themselves on providing an important way for individuals and communities to connect, be entertained and have important conversations. Yet audience expectations have been changing rapidly, and place-independent access to information and entertainment has become common place. The urgency to understand how digital innovation in the performing arts will affect Canada’s performing arts presenting eco-system lies at the heart of this landmark report by CAPACOA and Strategic Moves, Digitizing the Performing Arts: An Assessment of Opportunities, Issues and Challenges.

Digitizing the Performing Arts explores crucial aspects of the digital evolution:

  • Economic dynamic of live performing arts presentation today.
  • Technology trends from backbone technologies and standards like blockchain and semantic web to augmented and virtual reality and an evolution toward a holographic world.
  • The continuum of digital opportunities in the performing arts that includes examples of innovative Canadian digital experiments.
  • Lessons learned from other sectors changed by digital competitors or digital alternatives.View the original article…(aquí mete el link del título)

CAPACOA & Strategic Moves


The Canadian Arts Presenting Association/l’Association canadienne des organismes artistiques (CAPACOA) serves the performing arts touring and presenting community through its commitment to integrate the performing arts into the lives of all Canadians. CAPACOA fosters skills development, knowledge sharing, policy advancement, collaboration and innovation within the performing arts community and society at large.


About Strategic Moves

Strategic Moves, founded by Inga Petri in 2007, is an independent consultancy that operates at the intersection of research, strategy and marketing. It is nationally recognized for the landmark study on The Value of Presenting:  A Study of Performing Arts Presentation in Canada (©2013) and for providing strategic insight, championing contemporary marketing practices, and delivering practical training in the arts sector. Strategic Moves has offices in Whitehorse, Yukon and Ottawa, Ontario.


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