The Art of Measuring the Arts

Full report on the Roundtable on Bang for the Funding Buck: KPIs and Capturing the Impact of the Arts, part of the IPS-SAM Spotlight on Cultural Policy Series. The roundtable was organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) on 1 June 2018 in collaboration with the Singapore Art Museum.

The Art of Measuring the Arts

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Sep 27, 2018
By Creative New Zealand
Sep 27, 2018

Creative New Zealand has published the latest Audience Atlas New Zealand research to provide indepth information on this country’s market for arts and culture.

The companion study to New Zealanders and the arts, Audience Atlas New Zealand 2017 is the latest update on the triennial research, which began in 2011. It shows how the market for arts and culture  has changed in composition and value – and how attitudes have changed – over time.

Audience Atlas New Zealand 2017 measures the current, lapsed and potential markets for more than 40 artforms. The study also explores New Zealanders’ behaviour and attitudes towards supporting the arts through donating, volunteering and joining arts organisations.

As well as providing a national overview of the culture sector the research includes specific information by artform, audience segment and region.  It is designed to benefit all arts and culture organisation regardless of size.

Creative New Zealand aims to build arts organisations’ understanding of audiences and increase their ability to develop markets for their work, which will ultimately strengthen the sustainability of country’s arts and culture sector.

Audience Atlas New Zealand 2017 was launched at Creative New Zealand’s annual arts hui Nui te Kōrero on 23 May 2018.


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By MAXXI Foundation Rome, Italy
Feb 13, 2018

MAXXI Foundation Rome, Italy MAXXI – Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo is a private foundation established in 2009 and funded by the Ministry of Culture, Regione Lazio and Enel, a national energy supplier (former national electric company). The famous architect Zaha Hadid on the structure of a former military industrial plant created the building and it is located in the Flaminio area, a district inhabited by upper class, boasting a number of modern and contemporary buildings (the Auditorium by Piano, the Palace of Sport by Nervi, Ponte della Musica of Buro Happold-Kit PowellWilliams Architects, etc.). MAXXI is not only a museum, but a space were new cultural productions are developed and partnership is the main tool to achieve this result: the Foundation has more than 150 institutional and private partners and donors.

By The League of American Orchestras
May 30, 2019

Inspired by the findings of the Audience Growth Initiative, marketing and development directors from nine orchestras undertook a follow-up Patron Growth Initiative with Prescott & Associates to tackle the more complex issue of building sustainable support, factoring in both attendance and donations — thus helping orchestras grow total lifetime value. This presentation outlines the findings and recommendations of the yearlong effort that included data mining (on a database of 545,000 concertgoers and donors), qualitative, and quantitative research. This presentation debuted at the League's 2011 National Conference.

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