Closure of the Twin Track Programme (TTP) in Spain

Jun 24, 2019

On Friday 21st June, we celebrated the closure of our TTP in Spain with an event in Matadero Madrid, one of the organisations that has taken part in this training journey.

At 9h45, we met at the information desk and split into three different groups: postgraduate students, practitioners and mentors. Each group, led by a Deusto trainer, went to a specific location for a focus group, which lasted one hour and a half and served for evaluation purposes.

Afterwards, we met again all together and, after taking some photos, each couple shared with the group a short video from their project, showing what they had done and achieved. We have to congratulate all our participants, because the videos were really amazing!! As to be expected, this was followed by a big applause while they were given their diploma and the newly published book “El desarrollo de audiencias en España. Reflexiones desde la teoría y la práctica”, edited by Macarena Cuenca-Amigo and Jaime Cuenca within the framework of the CONNECT project.

The event finished with a shared lunch in a terrace, enjoying the beginning of summer in Madrid.

The mentors after the focus group in Cineteca (Matadero Madrid)

The CONNECT community in Spain (students, practitioners, mentors and trainers)

The CONNECT community in Spain (students, practitioners, mentors and trainers)

A moment of the delivery of diplomas

The book the participants received as a present from the University of Deusto



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